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Tax for Australians for Dummies read online ebook EPUB, PDF, TXT


Tackle your taxes--and get the most from your next tax return Do you want to be sure you're getting the maximum tax refund? Of course you do Luckily, Tax For Australians For Dummies is here to make it easy to ensure you get every cent you deserve for the 2015-16 tax year. Written by respected tax specialist and CPA fellow Jimmy B. Prince, this fun and friendly guide walks you step-by-step through the complex Australian tax system and explains in plain English what you can claim and exactly what you're owed. Designed to help you take advantage of everything from investments to kids to government concessions, Tax For Australians For Dummies has you covered from every angle. With plenty of top tips to help make filing your tax return a breeze--plus some key warnings to help you avoid any pitfalls along the way--it's completely up-to-date for anyone completing their tax returns from June onwards. Whether you prepare your own tax return, use myTax or eTax or go to an accountant, there's something inside that will take your return from 'What?' to 'Wow ' in no time. Includes updated tax rates and superannuation thresholds Explains Fringe Benefits Tax and Capital Gains Tax Covers tax and financial hardship Describes changes to small business deductions If you're an employee, investor, small business owner, retiree or even a student, Tax For Australians For Dummies is the no-nonsense, easy-to-follow guide that answers all of your tax questions., Tackle your taxes-and get the most from your next tax return! Do you want to be sure you're getting the maximum tax refund? Of course you do! Luckily, Tax For Australians For Dummies is here to make it easy to ensure you get every cent you deserve for the 2015-16 tax year. Written by respected tax specialist and CPA fellow Jimmy B. Prince, this fun and friendly guide walks you step-by-step through the complex Australian tax system and explains in plain English what you can claim and exactly what you're owed. Designed to help you take advantage of everything from investments to kids to government concessions, Tax For Australians For Dummies has you covered from every angle. With plenty of top tips to help make filing your tax return a breeze-plus some key warnings to help you avoid any pitfalls along the way-it's completely up-to-date for anyone completing their tax returns from June onwards. Whether you prepare your own tax return, use myTax or eTax or go to an accountant, there's something inside that will take your return from 'What?' to 'Wow!' in no time. Includes updated tax rates and superannuation thresholds Explains Fringe Benefits Tax and Capital Gains Tax Covers tax and financial hardship Describes changes to small business deductions If you're an employee, investor, small business owner, retiree or even a student, Tax For Australians For Dummies is the no-nonsense, easy-to-follow guide that answers all of your tax questions.

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