Read book Knits for Nerds : 30 Projects - Science Fiction, Comic Books, Fantasy by Toni Carr in TXT, EPUB


Finally"a knitting book for nerds who love sci-fi, fantasy, comics, and manga! The best of science fiction, manga, and animaguiri meets knit one, purl two as knit siren and part-time roller derby girl Joan of Dark offers up an out-of-this-world assortment of knitting nerdiness inside Knits for Nerds . The patterns for 30 iconic clothing and accessory items inspired by popular TV shows, books, films, comics, and more--including Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars , and Firefly --are presented alongside full-color photographs showcasing completed projects, such as: * Lieutenant Uhura's sexy Star Trek minidress * Hobbit feet slippers * Firefly -inspired scarf, socks, hat, and jacket * Tank Girl socks * Hermione Granger's secret beaded bag * Manga-inspired leg warmers * The Big Bang Theory -inspired his and hers sweater-vests * Lord of the Rings -inspired shrug In addition to a wardrobe of costume finery, hobbyists will also find instructions for practical projects such as an e-reader cover or a laptop bag crafted of checkered fabric that serves double-duty as a chessboard and carryall, as well as patterns for plush toys inspired by Star Trek , robots, and the comic book Squee! Wear (and knit!) your nerdiness on your sleeve with Knits for Nerds ., Finally'€"a knitting book for nerds who love sci-fi, fantasy, comics, and manga! The best of science fiction, manga, and animaguiri meets knit one, purl two as knit siren and part-time roller derby girl Joan of Dark offers up an out-of-this-world assortment of knitting nerdiness inside Knits for Nerds . The patterns for 30 iconic clothing and accessory items inspired by popular TV shows, books, films, comics, and more--including Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars , and Firefly --are presented alongside full-color photographs showcasing completed projects, such as: * Lieutenant Uhura's sexy Star Trek minidress * Hobbit feet slippers * Firefly -inspired scarf, socks, hat, and jacket * Tank Girl socks * Hermione Granger's secret beaded bag * Manga-inspired leg warmers * The Big Bang Theory -inspired his and hers sweater-vests * Lord of the Rings -inspired shrug In addition to a wardrobe of costume finery, hobbyists will also find instructions for practical projects such as an e-reader cover or a laptop bag crafted of checkered fabric that serves double-duty as a chessboard and carryall, as well as patterns for plush toys inspired by Star Trek , robots, and the comic book Squee! Wear (and knit!) your nerdiness on your sleeve with Knits for Nerds ., Finallya "a knitting book for nerds who love sci-fi, fantasy, comics, and manga The best of science fiction, manga, and animaguiri meets knit one, purl two as knit siren and part-time roller derby girl Joan of Dark offers up an out-of-this-world assortment of knitting nerdiness inside "Knits for Nerds." The patterns for 30 iconic clothing and accessory items inspired by popular TV shows, books, films, comics, and more--including "Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars," and "Firefly"--are presented alongside full-color photographs showcasing completed projects, such as: * Lieutenant Uhuras sexy "Star Trek" minidress* Hobbit feet slippers * "Firefly"-inspired scarf, socks, hat, and jacket* "Tank Girl" socks* Hermione Grangers secret beaded bag* Manga-inspired leg warmers* "The Big Bang Theory"-inspired his and hers sweater-vests* "Lord of the Rings"-inspired shrugIn addition to a wardrobe of costume finery, hobbyists will also find instructions for practical projects such as an e-reader cover or a laptop bag crafted of checkered fabric that serves double-duty as a chessboard and carryall, as well as patterns for plush toys inspired by "Star Trek," robots, and the comic book "Squee " Wear (and knit ) your nerdiness on your sleeve with "Knits for Nerds.", Finallyae"a knitting book for nerds who love sci-fi, fantasy, comics, and manga! The best of science fiction, manga, and animaguiri meets knit one, purl two as knit siren and part-time roller derby girl Joan of Dark offers up an out-of-this-world assortment of knitting nerdiness inside Knits for Nerds . The patterns for 30 iconic clothing and accessory items inspired by popular TV shows, books, films, comics, and more--including Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars , and Firefly --are presented alongside full-color photographs showcasing completed projects, such as: * Lieutenant Uhura's sexy Star Trek minidress * Hobbit feet slippers * Firefly -inspired scarf, socks, hat, and jacket * Tank Girl socks * Hermione Granger's secret beaded bag * Manga-inspired leg warmers * The Big Bang Theory -inspired his and hers sweater-vests * Lord of the Rings -inspired shrug In addition to a wardrobe of costume finery, hobbyists will also find instructions for practical projects such as an e-reader cover or a laptop bag crafted of checkered fabric that serves double-duty as a chessboard and carryall, as well as patterns for plush toys inspired by Star Trek , robots, and the comic book Squee! Wear (and knit!) your nerdiness on your sleeve with Knits for Nerds ., It's no secret that knitters can be a bit nerdy-the hobby itself is so mathematical and quirky. In Knits for Nerds, Toni Carr, offers up projects based on all manner of books, movies, and TV nerds love, including: A sexy Star Trekmini-dress uniform; Adorable Dr Who-inspired robot doll; Hobbit feet slippers; A laptop bag that doubles as a chessboard; A Joss Whedon's Fireflyscarf and some socks to go with your Jayne Cobb Hat; Baby beanie with elf ears; Big Bang Theory-inspired his and hers sweater vests; Padme's battle cape and hairstyles from Star Wars. The knitting webosphere is alive with evidence that knitters are sci-fi, fantasy, comics, and manga geeks! For example: A quick search on shows many nerd-inspired knitting projects, from Star Trek characters, to sci-fi inspired yarn, Batgirl gloves, and more; Doctor Whofans on Ravelry meet on in Who Knits?with around 5,000 members; profiles any and all crafts that relate to geeks. Yet no book of knits has catered to this community-or the many people that take costuming for sci-fi conventions with utmost seriousness and DIY passion., It’s no secret that knitters can be a bit nerdythe hobby itself is so mathematical and quirky. In Knits for Nerds, Toni Carr offers up projects based on all manner of books, movies, and TV nerds love, including: A sexy Star Trekminidress uniform Hobbit feet slippers A Joss Whedon’s Fireflyscarf to go with your Jayne Cobb Hat Baaby beanie with elf ears Big Bang Theory-inspired his and hers sweater vests Padme's battle cape from Star Wars The knitting webosphere is alive with evidence that knitters are sci-fi, fantasy, comics, and manga geeks! For example: A quick search for the Jayne Cobb hat (sci-fi show, Firefly) on pulls up 25 separate patterns, most of which have been knit hundreds of times. Several other nerdy patterns are extremely popular as well. A Binary Scarf and Space Invader socks have both been listed on ravelry. Each boasts over 200 projects made. A quick search on, a site which sells home made goods, shows many knit, nerdy inspired projects! From knit Star Trek characters, sci-fi inspired yarn, Batgirl gloves, and more! The group, Nerdy Knittersboasts around 2,700 members from Doctor Whofans on Ravelry meet on the group, Who Knits?, with around 3,300 members. profiles any and all crafts that relate to geeks. Yet no book of knits has catered to this communityor the many people that take costuming for sci-fi conventions with utmost seriousness and DIY passion., It’s no secret that knitters can be a bit nerdythe hobby itself is so mathematical and quirky. In Knits for Nerds , Toni Carr offers up projects based on all manner of books, movies, and TV nerds love, including: A sexy Star Trek minidress uniform Hobbit feet slippers A Joss Whedon’s Firefly scarf to go with your Jayne Cobb Hat Baaby beanie with elf ears Big Bang Theory -inspired his and hers sweater vests Padme's battle cape from Star Wars The knitting webosphere is alive with evidence that knitters are sci-fi, fantasy, comics, and manga geeks! For example: A quick search for the Jayne Cobb hat (sci-fi show, Firefly ) on pulls up 25 separate patterns, most of which have been knit hundreds of times. Several other nerdy patterns are extremely popular as well. A Binary Scarf and Space Invader socks have both been listed on ravelry. Each boasts over 200 projects made. A quick search on, a site which sells home made goods, shows many knit, nerdy inspired projects! From knit Star Trek characters, sci-fi inspired yarn, Batgirl gloves, and more! The group, Nerdy Knitters boasts around 2,700 members from Doctor Who fans on Ravelry meet on the group, Who Knits? , with around 3,300 members. profiles any and all crafts that relate to geeks. Yet no book of knits has catered to this communityor the many people that take costuming for sci-fi conventions with utmost seriousness and DIY passion., The best of science fiction, manga, and animaguiri meets knit one, purl two as knit siren and part-time roller derby girl Joan of Dark offers up an out-of-this-world assortment of knitting nerdiness inside Knits for Nerds . The patterns for 30 iconic clothing and accessory items inspired by popular TV shows, books, films, comics, and more--including Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars , and Firefly --are presented alongside full-color photographs showcasing completed projects, such as: * Lieutenant Uhura's sexy Star Trek minidress * Hobbit feet slippers * Firefly -inspired scarf, socks, hat, and jacket * Tank Girl socks * Hermione Granger's secret beaded bag * Manga-inspired leg warmers * The Big Bang Theory -inspired his and hers sweater-vests * Lord of the Rings -inspired shrug In addition to a wardrobe of costume finery, hobbyists will also find instructions for practical projects such as an e-reader cover or a laptop bag crafted of checkered fabric that serves double-duty as a chessboard and carryall, as well as patterns for plush toys inspired by Star Trek , robots, and the comic book Squee! Wear (and knit!) your nerdiness on your sleeve with Knits for Nerds ., The patterns for 30 iconic clothing and accessory items inspired by popular TV shows, books, films, comics, and more - including "Star Trek", 'Lord of the Rings', 'Star Wars', and "Firefly" - are presented alongside full-colour photographs showcasing completed projects. In addition to a wardrobe of costume finery, hobbyists will also find instructions for practical projects such as an e-reader cover or a laptop bag crafted of fabric that serves double-duty as a carryall, as well as patterns for plush toys inspired by "Star Trek" and robots.

Read book Knits for Nerds : 30 Projects - Science Fiction, Comic Books, Fantasy by Toni Carr in FB2, PDF, DJV

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